Category Archives: Media

Yep, confirmed, it’s a sham

An investigation confirms that FCC Chairman Kevin Martin’s crusade to force à la carte pricing and unbundling of cable TV channels was indeed a sham, as many of us have been saying for years.

My colleague Ken Ferree comments here.

Don’t fear Murdoch’s genius

Wall Street Journal alum Tunku Varadarajan with an incisive and amusing look at Rupert Murdoch and his proprietorship of the Journal so far.

this writer believes we are wimps to be scared by Murdoch; compared with Northcliffe and Beaverbrook and Hearst, he’s a pussycat. Murdoch phobia shows what a soft, homogenized, emasculated world we live in. Murdoch phobia is also the result of the press obsessing about (and inflating) its own importance. There are many other people, such as Robert Rubin and Jeffrey Sachs, who are more dangerous than the man who bought The Wall Street Journal — and who, in doing so, saved The Wall Street Journal from itself.